Title of Position: Community Schools Coordinator @ SJCS Middle School
Details of Position: F/T, 40 hrs/wk, $21.50/hr
Locations of Position: SJCS/CCE Jefferson County, 203 N. Hamilton St., Watertown, NY
About the Position:
This position will serve as the Community Schools Coordinator for Cornell Cooperative Extension Association of Jefferson County in support of the grant funded program South Jefferson Central School District DoDEA grant. The position will be assigned to South Jefferson Central School District Middle School. As a part of the overall program this position’s responsibilities are threefold – 1) Will include family engagement programming alongside engaging parents and youth together and connecting them with the school community (Paint & Sips, STEM and Health fairs, etc.). 2) Utilize 4-H curricula, evidence-based curricula such as Positive Action and best practices to engage youth in career/college readiness. 3) Coordinate and provide 4-H afterschool and summer programming as requested. The target grades are 6th – 9th grades. Coordinate to offer NYS 4-H and land grant-based programming opportunities to align with identified needs within the school community. Provide activities that support postsecondary and workforce readiness, which will include using 4-H curricula and offering the NYS 4-H Career Explorations program. The Community Schools Coordinator will provide program coordination and ensure the program offers a quality youth development educational experience. This position will coordinate family engagement events and activities with the school and community, offer parent education opportunities, integrate Cornell University research and programming, meet the program objectives/goals and work with the outside evaluators on evaluation protocols. This position will participate on advisory committees, assist with needs assessment and plan for programming. This position will utilize existing program resources and materials in program work and will assist in delivering educational programs.
Required Qualifications: